Featuring Daniel Smith’s Ancestral

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by River Valley Commons!

The Morrill Lectures by
The River Valley Commons

“The poetry in Daniel Smith’s book “Ancestral” reflects on life and farming in the Driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin. WPR’s Tim Peterson spoke with him about his poetry in the early spring in his barn near Arena, Wisconsin.”

“Wisconsin farmer reflects on a life in agriculture in book of poems”

Daniel Smith’s

Wisconsin Public Radio Interview


“A former farmer, farm crisis counselor and agribusiness executive shares his insight and personal story, along with other families,” Tim Peterson of WPR.

"I often say that Wisconsin has done a really good job of keeping the cows. We didn't do a very good job of keeping the farmers," Daniel Smith.

Farmer Angel Network


 Daniel Smith’s ANCESTRAL, reading and discussion


“Daniel Smith is an accomplished poet, essayist, public speaker and agribusiness executive with a lifelong commitment to agriculture, the environment and rural communities. Smith operated his family’s dairy farm in northwestern Illinois for three decades. With the practicality of a farmer and the syntax of a poet, he has authored three books of poetry (Home Land, Bottom Dog Press; Fatherland, Longhouse Press; and Ancestral, Water’s Edge Press).”

Midwest Farm Report Interview


Daniel Smith discusses ANCESTRAL with Pam Jahnke of the Midwest Farm Report.

Articles from Dairy Australia discuss the decline of dairy farms and farmers around the globe.

Daniel Smith Discusses:

Grassland 2.0 Digital Dialogue Series:
Broken Ground: The Changing Culture of America's Dairyland.

Daniel Smith discusses "Ancestral"
with James Bohnen


In case you haven’t heard yet, “Ancestral” is a pretty big deal at Arcadia, and we have a special interview here between Daniel Smith and James Bohnen! They talk about how “Ancestral” is basically the story of his life, writing his first published poem when he was in high school to just a few months ago.

Daniel Smith’s

Wisconsin State Journal Interview


“This is the story of the Wisconsin dairy industry. There’s a story of pain and decision-making and process that every one of those 41,000 dairy farms we’ve lost since 1978 went through. I’m trying, with poetry, to reach both the farming and the non-farming audience. This is a social, economic and cultural impact that Wisconsin needs to deal with. Because the result has not been felt in the grocery store. Losing those 41,000 family dairy farms had a tremendous impact on local schools, school boards, the town board, the co-op board. There’s just fewer people in those areas.” ~Daniel Smith